About Me

Image of Lisa Anderson Recovery Coach

Certified Life and Recovery Coach

Lisa Hart Anderson

My name is Lisa Hart Anderson and I am a certified Life Coach and Recovery Coach. I graduated from the University of Arizona with a B.S. in Education and began my career working in education and youth development. After several years of teaching elementary school, I made the decision to become a stay home mom and raise my children. During that time, I embarked on a journey of health and wellness.  I became a certified fitness instructor and taught  many modalities of group fitness for nearly twenty years. Educating friends, family and clients about innovative approaches to health, wellness and exercise was a true passion of mine.

I struggled with alcohol addiction for years, knowing overtime that I, in fact, had a problem. It was one morning, like many others, that I woke up feeling lost and exhausted, andI realized I was finally ready to surrender and seek the help I was in desperate need of. I was determined to stay sober after leaving treatment, and to point my life in a new and healthier direction.

Looking towards the future, I feel grateful. Through my success in sobriety and enlightenment, I have been able to create the happiness I always wanted and deserved. Through my own challenges (and success), I have learned many lessons; and I hope to be able to share these lessons with other women, many of whom may find themselves feeling stuck, or hopeless, as I once did. I realize now how much I missed out on (and sacrificed) by just going through the motions. I came to understand how critical it was to implement strategies into my life- to add structure, boundaries and most importantly, balance. This new way of thinking and living transformed my life, and I am excited, and honored, to now be working with my clients and watching them experience these transitions as well, on their journeys to living happier, more enriching lives.

I continue to strive to be the best version of myself every day, waking up ready to grow, overcome new challenges and embrace what truly matters to me. With the support and love from my husband and 3 sons, my mission is to now help women find peace and balance in everyday life, just as I have.

Complimentary consultation

A complimentary 15-minute consultation is available to discuss how Hart to Heart Coaching can help you reach your goals. Email consultations are available if preferred.

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